23 January 2012

The Year of Passion

As many of you know, passion is our theme and focus for 2012. We are proud to begin our 'Year of Passion' with a new blog and brand new series of features on our website which will be honouring artists from all art forms and walks of life. Every other week, we will be introducing our friends and followers to some really great artists who will be sharing their passion and what it means to them. So keep dropping in and discover some really remarkable people.

23 January 2012

Off To A Great Start!

Happy New Year - a tad late! We are very excited for all the new adventures and surprises that lie ahead this year, and we look forward to taking you along for the ride. We're glad to be back from the holidays relaxed and refreshed, and happy to announce that we already have interesting contracts to kick off what will be a very promising year. But you'll have to wait until February to see the awesome outcome of one of the most unusual and enjoyable projects we've worked on of late...

23 January 2012

In The Heights: A Must See!

If you'll be in Toronto in February, be sure not to miss the opportunity to watch In The Heights, winner of 4 Tony awards including Best Musical. The story looks at a community of immigrants in Washington Heights - New York City - seeking a better life by making a home for themselves in America. It is a modern-day musical that blends hip hop with latin music and flavours. In the Heights is playing at the Toronto Centre for the Arts from February 7-19. Go to www.dancaptickets.com for more information and to book tickets.